Thursday, September 10, 2015

Legally Blonde By: Amanda Brown

Great movie: horrible book.

I picked up this book because I was intrigued. The rule of thumb, of course, is that the book is better than the movie, and in this case: SO NOT TRUE!

You have all seen the movie: You know the plot. Blonde girl goes to Harvard Law School to impress her exboyfriend but discovers, she kind of rocks at it. And it is great and hilarious along the way.

They book: Same story but NOT FUNNY, not even a chuckle, and far more….  Dumb.

Elle is so much more intelligent in the movie, and far more BLONDE in the book, her career is to open a blonde representative legal company. (Most likely worded that wrong.)

It’s so stupid. I wish I could go back and un-waste 3 days on this book.

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